Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Apples everywhere!

I think the apples are almost ready.  A lot of them always fall from the tree before they are actually ready to eat but I try to gather them and make apple sauce, jams and lots of apple muffins.  By the looks of it, it is definitely time to get to work (again)!

I mixed the apples with some pears.


  1. mmmmm klinkt heerlijk!
    Bij ons in de tuin zijn de peren ook al van de boom gevallen. Echt, in mijn kleine tuintje staat een perenboom, ben er enorm trots op! x

  2. Zo gezellig, potjes jam, koekjes ect...
    Vruchten uit eigen tuin overladen met positieve energie, heerlijk!


  3. I participated in this !!! I enjoyed every minute.. now I understand why older generations had such group activities such as preserving food, preparations used to involve many women and in groups. It enables them to connect and share chats while working on peeling apples.. such a wonderful experience..

  4. het ziet er echt lekker uit! En het smaakt ook lekker!!!

