Monday, October 17, 2011

Quince jam : recipe

We had a lot of quinces again this year.  And I always make jam with them.  I try a different recipe every year.  This year I found some recipes and I mixed them together and then made my own.  A lot of recipes tell you to just use the juice and throw away the pulp, but I always have a hard time throwing away edible things.  So I decided to use everything and just mix it all up.  I made two batches as you can tell by the different colours.  The yellow one didn't cook as long as the reddish one.  I prefer the red colour though.  So I just let them simmer for one extra hour.

Here is my recipe :

You don’t have to peel the fruits, just rub them vigorously to remove the velvet on the skin. Cut them in quarters, and remove the core. You should remove the seeds from the core and put the seeds in a piece of cheesecloth that you add to the pan because the seeds contain a high amount of pectine.
Put the quarters in a large pan and add some water. For 1 kilo of quinces I use one litre of water.
Bring to the boil and let it simmer for at least one to one and a half hour, with the lid on the pan. The longer you leave them simmering, the more reddish they become.
Remove the seeds, and just mix everything else with a blender. For every kilo of this pulp I use one package of jam sugar.  Nowadays you can find different brands in the store.  I always use 500 gr of sugar for 1 kilo of fruit.  Bring this pulp with the sugar again to the boil and keep stirring for about 3 minutes without the lid on.
When a drop of the jam thickens on a cold plate, you can fill the jars, close the lids and let them cool upside down.

Et voilà, we're finally done!! If you have a great recipe for quinces too, I'm always interested.  Next year I will probably have to be creative again with all the quinces.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mjammie!

    If you made too much of this jam, we would be very happy to try it tomorrow at Claudia's ;))

  3. Thank you for sharing! Will try it next year!
    So lovely to see you today!
